Coronavirus and our efforts to contain it will have dramatic policy implications that will affect every one of us.
As Australians grapple with the impacts of the pandemic on their lives we are seeing outpourings of community spirit and concern. This energy is ready to be channelled into creative and innovative advocacy campaigns that win policies that transform our society, protect vulnerable communities and look after one another.
That’s why Australian Progress, together with Australian Communities Foundation and Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS), have launched the COVID-19 Rapid Advocacy Fund, a donor pool that can rapidly inject funds into strategic advocacy campaigns demanding ambitious policies in response to the pandemic in Australia.
In recent months, Australian philanthropists have pooled over $160,000 and funded 25 pandemic-related advocacy projects.
Now we are aiming to raise additional funds to continue injecting strategic grants into impactful advocacy projects, particularly in the lead up to the 2021 budget and federal election.
To discuss making a tax deductible donation through ACOSS, please contact Kirsty Albion at kirsty@australianprogress.org.au
Major donors to the fund are invited to be on the committee panel that makes granting decisions weekly.
Can you help by making a weekly or monthly contribution?
This project is reliant upon generous individuals and foundations contributing to a strategic pool of funds.
To date, we have raised over $160,000 and funded 25 key advocacy campaigns. We are now aiming to raise additional funds to creating a donor pool that can continue to rapidly fund grants for impactful projects advocating for a fair and inclusive recovery.
To discuss making a large contribution or a tax deductible donation through ACOSS, please contact Kirsty Albion at kirsty@australianprogress.org.au.
While the global pandemic has exacerbated injustices already felt in our community and presented us with unexpected organisational challenges, it’s also dramatically shifted the goal posts of what we can achieve. Spain has nationalised every private hospital and health care provider in the country, and Iran have released 85,000 prisoners to contain the spread of the virus -- decisions that would have never seemed possible weeks ago.
With a likely recession staring us in the face, it’s up to us - philanthropy and social change makers – to work together to reframe what’s possible in this entirely new context.
Advocacy groups do not currently have the funding to simultaneously internally adapt to and externally launch campaigns in response to a pandemic. There is an urgent need to enable groups with closeness to issues and expertise in economic and social welfare responses to be vocal contributors to shift the public debate.
If enough of us come together, we can create a collective fund to support strategic advocacy campaigns across the country.
Audacious advocacy campaigns are urgently needed to ensure the government’s expanded stimulus package and broader policy response to the pandemic centres fairness and justice, and puts people’s needs and wellbeing first.
We urgently need to support campaigns emerging on issues of social welfare, workers rights, disability and access, health, First Nations and racial justice. We’ve already seen collaborations springing up – from the campaign to permanently increase Newstart, demands to expand the JobKeeper package to include migrant and casual workers, to movements pushing for rent and mortgage moratoriums, reforms to the health and justice system and urgent funding to meet the needs of people with disability during the crisis. This is just the beginning.
That’s why we’ve launched a responsive pooled fund for advocacy and systems-focused campaigns.
Already the Rapid Advocacy Fund has pooled over $160,000 from some of Australia’s leading philanthropists.
Over the past month, we have funded 25 strategic advocacy projects.
Individuals and organisations can can pitch their advocacy campaigns through this site. Projects will be reviewed on a rapid basis, ideally weekly. We will seek to approve grants and send funds within 10 days.
Of funds raised, 6% will support further fundraising, grant outreach, project selection, due diligence and bank fees.
Click here meet the current grantees to see examples of the projects we are funding.
Projects will be selected that:
Are advocacy campaigns with a clear theory of change for how to influence decision-makers and win ambitious policy changes.
Is an urgent response to COVID-19 including influencing policy responses, economic stimulus packages, social safety net reform or calling bold new changes to build back better after the pandemic.
Are grassroots in nature and have a plan to create real-world change
Insert an important perspective, issue or constituency related to coronavirus into the national policy debate. Examples might include projects advocating for policy changes on issues like housing, health and justice, First Nations justice and access for people with disability.
Demand that communities are centred in the response to the pandemic.
Benefit from a small, immediate contribution. All grants will be in the realm of $3,000-$10,000.
Leverage cutting-edge tools and tactics, which may include polling, media, direct lobbying, research, stunts, cultural intervention and digital organising.
Are non-profit, consistent with obligations on charities, legally compliant, and fall within the definition of ‘social welfare’ (ultimately helping people facing tough times).
DGR status is not required by applicants.
We encourage groups to pitch their projects as soon as possible. We also require contributions to the fund to continue providing this essential support.
In recent months, the COVID-19 Rapid Advocacy Fund has supported 22 organisations.
These civil society groups and grassroots leaders have launched urgent and strategic advocacy projects, quickly responding to the pandemic and calling for crucial policy reform.
We’re receiving dozens of applications weekly and need regular contributions to ensure we can support the most strategic work. Can you chip in?
This is a project of Australian Progress, Australian Communities Foundation and ACOSS.
If you are interested in being involved, please contact Kirsty Albion at kirsty@australianprogress.org.au